Broad Objectives

  • To construct houses for those who are in housing need. The aims and objects of the Trust is to construct new houses and renovate old houses of needy people in Odisha irrespective of cast, creed and religion.
  • To touch the lives of people.
  • To fund and encourage youth and volunteers to participate in Housing and Relief operations of natural calamities.
  • To conduct work shop for rural women, men and children.
  • To establish Primary Health Care centers in rural areas and slums and to conduct medical camp.
  • To institutes scholarships for the benefits of the students and to financially help poor and needy students.
  • To strive for the social, cultural, economic and educational uplift of the weaker and also minority sections of the society , especially women and children and enable them to understand their rights and fight against exploitations of all types.
  • To assist any viable enterprise or ventures or self help groups within India and abroad to raise funds to attain main objects of the Trust etc.